Saturday, February 12, 2011

More details on the home business opportunity ...

We've posted information here, on Twitter and on Facebook about our products, but at the moment people seem to be more interested in the business opportunity.  The economy seems to be a big reason folks are looking to create a second stream of income from home.

Again, we don't want to make that the focus of this blog, but we do want to answer the questions that are being asked of us!

WHOGNLD is a company that was founded by Jerry Brassfield from his home in California over 50 years ago.  Mr. Brassfield remains committed to the freedom of controlling one's own finances, so he has continued to maintain GNLD as a direct marketing company.  It has worked for him and it has worked for many others.

WHAT:  Vitamins, nutritional supplements and naturally-derived household products.  The vitamins and supplements are designed to work with your body, using ingredients that you would consume daily (represented in the purity of Salmon Oil Plus).  The household items are designed to have the lowest possible impact on the environment.

WHERE:  Worldwide.  GNLD is one of the oldest and most trusted direct marketing businesses.  Today's market sees many fly-by-night "opportunities" that won't be making a significant impact in six to twelve months.  GNLD has been here for 50 years because they are selling quality instead of hype.  You can choose to sell to your family and friends, reach out to those you know online, launch your own website or even sign up for a site hosted by GNLD for you!

WHEN:  You can get started right away.  EVEN TODAY!  Sign-up is available online (see "HOW" below) and can be completed in just a few minutes.  You will earn money on your very first sale and every sale thereafter.  There are no minimum requirements and no penalties for a lull in sales.  You don't have to participate in you-pay-for-it training or buy oodles of sales materials, nor are you required to participate in an auto-ship program each month.

WHY:  The products are trustworthy.  That is what led our family to partner with them.  Another great reason is that there is no pressure to meet minimum sales requirements.  In fact, our family took four years' hiatus from selling and we returned by simply placing a phone call to have our log-in information reset.

HOWSend an email to us!  That's all it takes to start learning about selling GNLD products as your home business.  Tell us a little bit about you and how best we can contact you (email or phone) at the time you indicate is convenient for you.  We'll get back to you in a timely fashion.  There is absolutely no pressure for you to sign-up.  Again, one of the reasons we joined with GNLD was that no one pushed us to join.  We made the decision for ourselves.

If you'd like a little more information before contacting us, some short video clips are available online at this link.

Click to Email Us!

Kenny and Michelle at Cedar Wellness

Friday, February 11, 2011

Chelated Cal-Mag with Vitamin D3 ...

Chelated Cal-Mag with 1000 IU Vitamin D3 Tablets

Cal-Mag provides GNLD’s unique amino-acid-chelated calcium to improve absorption in a 2-to-1 ratio with magnesium, a mineral which plays important roles in numerous enzyme systems and in regulating the cardiovascular system and muscle contraction.

Now with 1000 IU high potency Vitamin D3. Vitamin D is important since it is needed in the body to absorb and utilize calcium from the diet.

Calcium and magnesium, necessary for strong bones and teeth, are also critical to many enzyme reactions, cardiovascular health, and nerve and muscle function.* A healthy diet and sufficient uptake of calcium may reduce the risk of osteoporosis later in life, especially for teen and young adult women. 

GNLD’s double amino chelates employ glycine for significantly higher calcium and magnesium absorption.

Preferred 2:1 ratio, calcium to magnesium.

Contains 1000 IU Vitamin D3 from cholecalciferol, which is readily absorbable and highly bioavailable.

Buy one at $42.10
Buy two at $75.78 and save 10%

Kenny and Michelle at Cedar Wellness

Monday, February 7, 2011

The importance of Omega-3 in the fight against depression ...

Depression affects an ever-growing percentage of the population.  The causes can be varied and new research is showing that diet may take a large role in the prevention of and battle against depression.

The Omega-3 Fatty Acids in Fish Oil can ...
- help you adapt to stress and reduce stress-related oxidative damage throughout your body.
- lower your risk of suffering depression.
- reduce the risk of unborn children developing depression later in life.
- address other behavioral and mood disorders such as ADHD.

Our Salmon Oil Plus is derived strictly from the edible portions of the salmon.  Organs that are likely to retain dangerous heavy metals are not included in Salmon Oil Plus.  If you wouldn't have it on your plate, it won't be in your capsule.

We are continuing our sale on Salmon Oil Plus throughout this week.  A 30-day supply is just $35, shipped to your door.  Please send an email to us when you are ready to place an order!

Kenny and Michelle at Cedar Wellness

Interested in making money from home?

This will be a quick and simple post.  Generating business leads is not the point of this blog, so we'll be brief.

GNLD has been in business for over 50 years.  The company has been committed to producing the highest quality supplements possible at the best price possible.

That commitment to quality is what first drew us to an interest in GNLD.  Beyond that, our use of their products proved to us that they were superior to many others on the market.

If you'd like to learn more, please send an email to us at

Kenny and Michelle at Cedar Wellness

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Featured Product: Salmon Oil Plus

Our featured product this week is Salmon Oil Plus.

It has long been known and proven that omega-3 fatty acids play critical roles in the human diet. In particular, two omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil, EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) have been well researched.
Today the latest scientific research not only continues to validate the important roles of EPA and DHA in human health, but it has also shown that there is a whole family of omega-3 fatty acids, a total of eight in all, which contribute to optimal human nutrition. This critically important chain of dietary omega-3 fatty acids starts with ALA (alpha linolenic acid) and ends with DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), taking six important steps along the way. Each is now known to have its own unique biochemistry and supporting “synergistic” role in human omega-3 nutrition.

The United States Department of Agriculture suggests that all adults eat 2-3 servings of fish each week for optimal health. Unfortunately, the problem for many adults is that they eat very little fish on a consistent basis and rarely meet this important nutritional need. Large portions of the population go without getting any broad spectrum omega-3 supplementation for weeks, sometimes months. Not to mention the fact that much of the fish supply is suspect due to environmental contamination. Pregnant women, who have the highest dietary needs for omega-3 fatty acids, ironically are instructed to limit their fish intake to one serving per week, due to contamination risk.

GNLD solves the problem of inadequate omega-3 fatty acid intake with Salmon Oil Plus. Pure and potent, Salmon Oil Plus provides a complete omega-3 profile of salmon oil with all eight members of the omega-3 fatty acid family, assuring complete omega-3 supplementation in every dose.

Order a one-month supply of Salmon Oil Plus for just $35, shipped to your door.  Leave a comment or send an email to us for ordering information!

Kenny and Michelle at Cedar Wellness


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